
You need to install Kaneda package:

pip install kaneda

Backend reporting

You need a backend in order to keep data in a persistent storage. You can use builtin Backends or define your custom backend subclassing the BaseBackend class.

The following example it shows how to send metrics with Elasticsearch as a backend:

from kaneda.backend import ElasticsearchBackend
from kaneda import Metrics

backend = ElasticsearchBackend(index_name='myindex', app_name='myapp', host='localhost',
                               port=9200, user='kaneda', password='kaneda')
metrics = Metrics(backend=backend)
metrics.gauge('answer_of_life', 42)

A backend class can also be instantiated passing a previously defined connection client. This is specially useful when you want to use a tuned connection:

client = Elasticsearch(['localhost'], port=9200, http_auth=('kaneda', 'kaneda'), timeout=0.3)
backend = ElasticsearchBackend(index_name='myindex', app_name='myapp', client=client)

Asynchronous reporting

Depending the selection of the backend the process of reporting metrics could be “slow” if the response time of your application is critical (e.g: a website). Furthermore if your application doesn’t need the see the reported metrics in real time you probably have to consider to using asynchronous reporting. With this system you are allowed to send a metric report in background without adding too much overhead.

To use this system you need to install a queue system and use one of the builtin Kaneda Queues classes. To setup Kaneda in async mode follow these steps.

  1. Install and configure your queue system (e.g: RQ).
pip install rq
  1. Setup your backend configuration in new file named
BACKEND = 'kaneda.backends.ElasticsearchBackend'
ELASTIC_HOST = 'localhost'
ELASTIC_USER = 'kaneda'
  1. Run the worker

Now you can use Kaneda with the same Metrics API:

from kaneda.queues import RQQueue
from kaneda import Metrics

queue = RQQueue(redis_url='redis://localhost:6379/0')
metrics = Metrics(queue=queue)
metrics.gauge('answer_of_life', 42)

As in the backend example it can be used passing a queue client:

q = Queue(queue_name, connection=Redis())
queue = RQQueue(queue=q)

Also you are able to specify a Redis connection url (or a broker url if you use Celery). Notice this allows you to run the worker on a different server.